Category: Life

  • Productivity SOP

    Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Title: Moving Forward After a Transition Period Objective: To outline a structured approach for transitioning from a maintenance or reflective phase into a productive, goal-driven phase in life, career, or personal development. Scope: This SOP applies to individuals who have completed a phase of reflection, learning, or transition and are now…

  • Baking at Altitude

    Baking is a science, and like all sciences, it can be affected by external conditions. One of the most significant factors that can affect your baking results is altitude. If you live in a high-altitude area, you might have noticed that your baked goods often turn out differently than expected. Cakes can collapse, cookies can…

  • One eighty

    I had a job interview today. The feedback from the recruiter confusing. Apparently they loved me but they also loved the other guy and also they have decided to wait a couple weeks before they make a decision. Maybe it’s a coded message telling me they picked the other guy? But why wouldn’t the recruiter…

  • Wolfe Island

    Today was okay.

  • The stream of warm impermanence



    The stages of change, also known as the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), describe the process people go through to change their behavior. This model, developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente in the late 1970s, includes the following stages: Understanding these stages can help in developing strategies and interventions that are appropriate for the individual’s current…

  • To Do

    I’ve started using Habitica again. It is a gamified to do list and it works very well for me. I am not sure why I had forgotten about it but I now realize I’ve been trying to live my life without to do lists for too long! It’s only been two days and I’ve already…

  • On and on and on

    I find that I am thinking of what to post here throughout the day and it’s affecting the activities I try to complete. It’s sort of like when you’re still out running but you’re already thinking about what the title should be on Strava. Actually, it’s a lot like that. I’m not sure how I…