Category: Feels

  • Wah-wah clavinet

    The Importance of Grounding Grounding techniques are designed to help you stay connected to the present moment and manage overwhelming thoughts or feelings. When faced with an existential crisis, these techniques can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by abstract concepts and help you maintain a sense of stability and balance. Effective Grounding Techniques Mindfulness and…

  • A Warm and Scaly Embrace

    In the stillness of a moonlit night, as the world slumbered in its routine, I found myself at the shore, the waves whispering secrets to the sand. The air was thick with anticipation, a sense of impending revelation. It was in this sacred moment that I met Cthulhu, the ancient one, who rose from the…

  • Ennui, Malaise, Balance, Purpose

    Ennui and malaise can manifest in various ways, and their experiences can differ from person to person. Here’s a detailed look at what these feelings might involve: Ennui Ennui is often described as a profound sense of boredom and listlessness. Here are some common characteristics: Malaise Malaise is a general sense of discomfort, unease, or…

  • Stress Journal

    I read the second chapter of The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook and it said to keep a stress journal. Every time I get stressed or anxious I should record what happened and then I can look for patterns. I like this idea and it makes sense. I guess I have done this in the…

  • Books I Have Not Read

    I went to the doctor and guess what he told me…

  • O dopamine! O serotonin!

    Where do you go at night? Is it a joyous place full of light?

  • Failure to land

    When you give yourself permission to fail you create a challenge that wasn’t there before. You have to decide what magnitude of effort is sufficient. And then you fail. So it’s like two failures. This internal conflict about how much effort to exert is making me feel worse. I suppose it is moot, I bought…

  • Brain Zaps Again

    As Father’s Day approaches, the excitement of celebrating with family often brings a sense of joy and anticipation. However, for those of us grappling with anxiety and the adjustment to new medications, this time can also be fraught with uncertainty and emotional turbulence. Today, I want to share my personal journey of navigating these challenges…